New Freestyle presented by @GoonSquadSociety610 Produced by @I_Am_Cannzie

#GoonSquadSociety #Presents #ReadingPA own #IAMCannzie of #ThisWeirdCultureofMinds- #NoLimitFreestyle

@afrikillz.grogd The Artist ...Aka Real Playa Isaiah The Playa

When The world first “Met” Real Playa Isaiah it was in a viral video but as I looked into more about who he was I found out he is also an artist , while viral videos are cool , funny , get you “exposure” they can also take over a persons we at www.HipHopIndependent.Com would like to introduce you to the Artist they call @Afikillz.agrogd follow him and check out his music , his clothing line , his personality and his entertaining and yet Real as fuck lifestyle. With much more on the way you won’t be disappointed. 
Clothing line 

R.I.P Craig Mack May 10,1971 to March 12,2018

Craig Mack had been sick for a very long time , he died of heart failure in his home surrounded by close friends and family 

Craig Mack has a wife and two adult children.
Rest In Peace